Manantiales Behr Wind Power Complex

CO2 per capita

Type: Carbon Offset

Location: Argentina
Intervention: Renewable Wind Power
Verification: Verra

The Manantiales Behr Wind Power Complex required an initial investment of 200 million dollars, an impressive installation that now reduces fossil fuel generated electricity in Argentina equivalent to 47,500 m3 of diesel or 80 million m3 of natural gas annually. The project provides an annual reduction of 241,600 tons of CO2 from being released into the atmosphere. Manantiales Behr, due to its privileged location, takes advantage of the winds from Patagonia, which  have one of the highest factors in the world in terms of installed power capacity.

Per capita CO2 Emissions by Country

By default, we reference per capita CO2 emissions for the United States when providing estimates concerning the percentage of your footprint that will be offset with each investment. To reference the per capita CO2 emissions for other countries, please see the table below.