Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary

CO2 per capita

Type: Carbon Offset

Location: Cambodia
Intervention: Avoided Deforestation REDD+
Verification: Verra, CCB

The Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary, is a REDD+ project in partnership with the Royal Government of Cambodia's Ministry of Environment. The project protects 160,000 hectares, which is home to over 1,000 species, including more than 85 globally threatened species.

The project area has the highest recorded bird diversity in Cambodia, with over 350 species. It is also home to the world's largest known populations of Black-shanked douc langur and Yellow-cheeked crested gibbons, and it is especially important for monkeys, lesser apes, and lorises, with seven primate species living within its protected boundaries. Fewer than 500 endangered Asian Elephants are found in Cambodia.
Per capita CO2 Emissions by Country

By default, we reference per capita CO2 emissions for the United States when providing estimates concerning the percentage of your footprint that will be offset with each investment. To reference the per capita CO2 emissions for other countries, please see the table below.